
The "Label de Chimie Théorique" is awarded by the ThéMoSiA (Théorie - Modélisations - Simulations - Atomistiques) network to students who have completed all courses, either at the end of M2 or during their thesis.

The courses, in english, enable students in chemistry, physics or physical chemistry to tackle all aspects of chemical modeling and its recent developments. This interdisciplinary training is aimed at future theorists or experimentalists in the various fields of chemistry and physics where understanding intrinsic molecular properties and molecular interactions plays a major role. These range from fundamental aspects of electronic structure and radiation-matter interaction to interface fields such as materials chemistry, catalysis, imaging in biology, etc.

The Theoretical Chemistry Label also provides information and a guarantee for future employers and those responsible for recruiting young PhDs. The ThéMoSiA Network (formerly the French Theoretical Chemistry Network) is recognized and funded by the CNRS as a GDR.

The "Label de Chimie Théorique" is open to all M2 and PhD students at universities in the Paris/Nord region.

Registration is free but compulsory via the label-nordidf25 website.

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